Episode 27- The Random Episode Where We Chat About Amanda's Toe

Episode 27 May 05, 2023 00:35:10
Episode 27- The Random Episode Where We Chat About Amanda's Toe
Colorado Crime Podcast
Episode 27- The Random Episode Where We Chat About Amanda's Toe

May 05 2023 | 00:35:10


Hosted By

Kori Dacus Amanda Russell

Show Notes

This week on @ColoradoCrimePodcast we took a different approach and did a more chatty episode about a few crime updates and how Amanda really broke her toe. We will be back next week with another great episode! Thanks for letting us be here and providing us a space to hangout. 

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Episode Transcript

Amanda: Hey there, all you true crime fans. I'm Amanda. Kori: And I am Kori. Amanda: And welcome back to Colorado Crime. You know the drill. We're just two best friends who want to chat about all things true crime. This week's case is a different one. So we are actually going to do more of a kind of like a true crime update and not an actual case this week because we're tired and I broke my toe. Kori: We'll get into more of that later. Amanda: We will. So hit us with a joke. Kori: What's the best way to watch a fly fishing tournament? Amanda: I don't know. What? Kori: Live stream. Amanda: It's terrible. Kori: I know. Amanda: I'm going to text it to my dad. He's not going to get it. I sent him a picture earlier of his puppy and he was like, did you get a new puppy? I'm like, no, your dog crazy, man. You're up. Kori: Oh, I'm sorry. Taking a nap. So we got to throw in our shameless plug on our other series, serial Killer Tuesday. On Serial Killer Tuesday, we do a month long deep dive into different serial killers lives. This month. The month? May. We are covering Israel keys. So make sure you tune in every Tuesday at our special upload time, which is 02:00 p.m. Eastern Mountain Standard Time. I almost said Eastern Standard Time. Amanda: It was like I don't even know what that is. Are you? Eastern time. Kori: No, Central. Amanda: Oh, great. Kori: So I was just making up times. Amanda: I love that. Kori: So you can figure out what makes some of our most prolific serial killers tick. Amanda: Yeah, check it out. Well, I just wanted to say thank you guys for being so patient with me. And thank you, Corey. Kori: Oh, you're welcome. I'm not a very good co host. Amanda: Oh, my gosh, you're the best core. You do work. You've carried our whole podcast for like a whole month. Well, thanks. No, thank you. I'm not kidding, guys. If it weren't for Corey, we would not have had any episodes. So thank you for always picking up my slack. You're welcome. Hopefully now I'll be less busy barring any crazy off the wall things like a broken toe for some time now. Kori: You wouldn't have a broken toe if you weren't rock climbing. Amanda: It was all those ninja fights I was in. But we will probably be taking a little bit of time off this summer because I have little kids who are still in school. I'm not lucky to have kids who are out of school yet. And they don't always like to stay home and wait for me to work. But we'll keep you guys posted. We will let you know. That'll be scheduled. Kori: Yeah, we'll throw that out there. Maybe we'll maybe replay like an old one every time. Amanda: I know. Kori: Yeah, replay this one. Amanda: Yeah. Kori: Amanda two truths and a lie about how you hurt your toe. Amanda: All right, let's do it. Kori: Okay. Amanda: It was a fly swatting incident gone bad. It was a basketball incident where I came out the victor. Or it was a fly swatting incident and the fly survived. Kori: Let us know if you listen to this podcast. Let us know on our Facebook page, our Instagram, what you think happened to Amanda's Toe. Amanda: Make it a good story. Kori: Yeah. The rest of this podcast was be making **** up. Amanda: Yeah, because what really happened was not nearly as fun. And even my husband was like, you're going to have to come up with a better story. I'm like, I know. Kori: So I imagine that rock climbing wall you keep in your basement oh, yes. You were practicing that and you swung off and fell down because it's not a very tall wall. Amanda: No, you're not very tall. Totally what it was. Kori: That's what it was. Amanda: I think I'm going to go with the intruder angle. Kori: Oh, you were fighting off an intruder with your ninja skills? Amanda: Yes, and I had to ninja kick him because he came in and was like, give me all your coffee. And I was like, whoa, karate ninja kicked him. And I broke my toe. But don't worry, the coffee is safe. Hey, very important things happening here. Kori: It is. Amanda: Not much happens if I don't have coffee. Not much happens when I do have coffee, but let's be honest. And not much is happening anyway because I can't get around very well. Kori: No, she doesn't know how to use crutches. Amanda: It's embarrassing. I don't want to talk about it. I hobbled into the hospital to get my X ray because I was afraid to wear or to use my crutches and fall. Kori: I find it interesting about the have you heard about the writer strike? That's not true crime news, but it's still news. I just was reading that they canceled the final two shows of Saturday Night Live because they don't have anybody write. Amanda: Oh, was that one of episodes? Kori: I don't know. Maybe. Amanda: That's crazy. Kori: Yeah, it was like Anna de Armis and Carol G and Jennifer Coolidge and Kieran Culkin. Amanda: Oh, that's sad. Kori: Yeah. I understand where they're coming from. They want to have job security in case AI takes over. But I hate to say this, but I don't think a lot of people will have job security if AI takes over. Amanda: I saw, speaking of AI, that McDonald's opened its first non human restaurant. Kori: Oh, where was that at? Amanda: I don't know. You weren't supposed to ask any more questions. You were just supposed to say, wow, my bad. Kori: I know that McDonald's has been doing that ordering where you can just walk in and order and pay with your card, which is honestly not going to lie the best, because little hack here, you can ask for extra sauce and they don't charge you on that. Oh, hey, yeah, so you do have to pay card, but you can order extra sauce on the little Kiosk thing, and it doesn't charge you for that. Amanda: Speaking of hacks, well, you probably don't because you're not a big StarbucksIE. But if you are a Starbucksy person, like some people we know, there's a hack where you can take, like, you order your drink with no ice or, like, no added water, and then you get an extra cup of ice and you buy a tall drink. Or you buy a venti drink for the price of a tall well, as of May 9 we've got five days, guys. I don't ever do this because I am that person who just literally orders whatever's on the menu, and I order the same thing, and I don't ever change it because I don't want to make anybody else's job hard. But after May 9, they're going to start charging extra for that. Kori: Oh, for the cup of ice or whatever. I don't really blame them. Amanda: I agree. Kori: You're getting two things for the price of one. Most places charge you for a cup of ice. Amanda: Right. Well, if you go to, I don't know, a fancy dinner and you're like, oh, I'm just going to have I'm going to eat off of their plate. They're still going to charge you for your own plate? Kori: Yes. And they charge you a split plate fee. Amanda: That's hard to say. Split plate I did it. I did it wrong. A split plate fleet. Split flee split plate fee. There you go. Wow. Should we jump into our some crime? Kori: Yeah, we'll do a little crimeies. Amanda: Cool. Well, I have one from Colorado that I'm sure you guys are familiar with because this thing went viral. On April 19, a 20 year old named Alexa Bartel was killed after she was hit by a rock while she was driving. And it went on for several days where they were looking for whoever was throwing these rocks because they're not just like little tiny pebbles or things that just fly up. Like, these were landscape rocks. They were the size of, like, a melon, those big rocks. Yeah. Well, three teenage boys, the three of them were 18 years old. They were all high school seniors, and they were arrested for her murder. Yeah, I agree. Kori: They're dumb. That's dumb. Amanda: And one of them, when he was being interviewed, told investigators that after her car came to a stop, they actually turned around on the highway and came back by because they wanted to get a picture of it as a memento. Yeah. Kori: What is the world coming to? Parent your kids? Amanda: Well, and this had been going on for several months. This was not like a one off incident, I want to say. It had been going on for, like, three months, and this was the first time that they'd actually seriously injured somebody. Kori: I mean, I guess they're 18, but still, parents are kids, like, for real. Amanda: Well, they're still in high school. Like, you're an idiot. Kori: Right? Yeah. Amanda: Well, the three boys, they're all 18. It's Joseph Koenig, Nicholas Mitch, Carol Chick and Zachary Quack. And they are pieces of dirt. And they were booked on suspicion of first degree murder by extreme indifference. Kori: Oh, good. Where were they arrested at? Do you know? Amanda: They were all three arrested at their own homes. Kori: Okay. Amanda: Yes. It was a coworker who turned them in. Kori: Good. Amanda: Yes. It was on April 25. Kori: Nice. Amanda: So six days after this, four girls died. Kori: Yeah. I'm glad they figured out who did that. Me too. Sad story. Amanda: I agree. Jerks. Kori: So my story comes to us from out of Mississippi, a state which I will not be visiting for various reasons. This story and the rumor I heard about them voting to reinstate the Jim Crow laws. Amanda: I do like Mississippi because I think it's fun to spell, but I don't want to go there either. Kori: No. So if anybody wants to know what the Jim Crow laws, you can look those up. It's mostly about segregation against black people and white people. So it won't be happening for me. Amanda: No. Kori: So 25 year old Rashim Carter went missing in October of 2022, just a few days after he told his mom and the police department that a group of white men had been targeting him. He told his mother that three truckloads of white guys were trying to kill him. His mother told him to go to the police station and that she knew in her heart they would serve and protect him. They did not. Rashim went to the police two separate times and filed reports. Then he went missing. When he went missing, his family reported him missing to the same police department, and they found Rashim's remains about a month later in a wooded area in Taylorsville where he had been working as a welder. He had been having some problems with the welding company. His boss was kind of being mean, and they were having some fights and stuff. And from what I gathered on the story, the truckloads of men were most likely from that town and from maybe the company that he worked for. But this is where it gets weird. When his remains were found, his severed head was not with his body. When his head was found, his decomposing genitals were found in his mouth. Now, wait, it gets better. February of 2023, his family received an email, not a phone call, stating from the coroner that they had found another set of remains that belonged to Rashim as well. It was his spinal cord that had been ripped out of his body. Amanda: Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Kori: Now, the original report by the police and the coroner stated that there was no foul play and there would not be an investigation. Amanda: What, like, he was, like, you know, spinal cord. I'm done with you. Let's just part ways. We're done, right? Kori: Can't do that yourself, but okay. And the coroner said that the cause of death was undetermined. Oh, my God. Yeah. It's important to note that all of Rashim's remains were found in different locations. His severed head was found in one location. His body was found in another location. They found some other remains in a fourth location, and his spinal cord was found in a different location. Now, if you know anything about the human body, it's a little bit hard to cut your own head off. Just saying. Amanda: Well and take out your cut your. Kori: Genitals off and put them in your own mouth. Okay. Amanda: Oh, my gosh. Kori: How bad? The statement that the police had issued about there being no foul play has been recanted, as the family has actually contacted the MBI and the DOJ to do a probe into his cause of death. You Are The Power, which is a nonprofit, is currently offering a $50,000 reward for any information or leads in this case. Amanda: Wow. That's awful. Kori: Right? It's the most horrifying story I've ever heard. And I think the more horrifying part of it is that the police and the coroner, nobody really seems to care. His cause of death is not undetermined. He was murdered. I'm sorry. That's all there is to it. Amanda: That's not anything you can do to yourself. Kori: Yeah, I guess. He went for, like, a walk in the woods, and he was calling his friend to come pick him up, and the friend went to the location that he was supposed to be at, and he wasn't there, so they reported him missing, and that's when they found his body a month later. Well, part of his body, I guess, but yeah. It's a horrible story. Yeah. So don't go to Mississippi. Amanda: No, I guess. Be careful in Mississippi. Kori: Also. I want to throw this out there, too. I was watching to catch a smuggler last night, and for all you people, if someone walks up to you in the airport or in whatever country you're at, please, for the love of God, don't be like, hey, yeah. I would take that suitcase. No, you wouldn't. Please do not take that suitcase to wherever you're going. They will search your suitcase. Amanda: What? No, sorry. I had to readjust my ice. I have never seen what is that? Is it on Netflix? Kori: It's on Discovery or History or something like that. Amanda: Oh, okay. Well, I've never seen it still. Kori: Well, it's an interesting read, or it's an interesting watch, because sometimes you can't believe how dumb people are. Like, your stuff goes through an X ray machine, like, for real. Amanda: Right. Kori: But this one was in Madrid, and I guess Madrid is a big smuggling capital. Amanda: Oh, okay. Kori: The police just randomly pick people out, and they picked this one guy out, and he was bringing, like, film canisters. His story was he was going to visit his friend. He was coming from Colombia, and he was going to visit his friend in Paris, who was a pastry chef and was practicing Colombian desserts, and he needed to watch, like, a film reel so he brought twelve reels of actual film. Reels of film? Like movie theater film? Amanda: Yeah. Kori: That had been taped. And it said, do not X ray, blah blah blah, live film. And the policeman was like, oh, man, if these are ruined, I'm going to feel bad. But there's just something suspicious about them. All twelve were already developed film, so it wasn't undeveloped, so it wouldn't have ruined it opening it. But they were wrapped around, like, a cylinder of cocaine. Amanda: Oh, no. Kori: Yeah, the X ray didn't even pick up. Like, it didn't even know there was cocaine in there when he went ran it through the X ray. Because cocaine shows up orange on X ray machines, and good to know they ran it through the X ray machine and it didn't even show up on there. He's like, I know there's something in there. I just know there is. Couldn't smell it. Nothing. He opened it up and sure as ****, all twelve of those canisters had cocaine in it. Amanda: I don't think anybody's supposed to be smelling cocaine. Kori: Well, they don't smell like smell it, but they smell the containers and stuff to see if they can smell the scent of cocaine in there. Amanda: I was just making a joke. Because you stored cocaine. Kori: Yeah. Amanda: You went on, like a full explanation. And I was like, no, never mind. Never mind. I thought I was being funny. Kori: Ha. You're hilarious. Amanda: I thought so. Kori: Also, on a side note, did you see they caught that guy in Texas who killed all those people at his neighbor's house? What? Amanda: No. Kori: So there was this fight in Texas where all the bad things happened, and I guess these neighbors were having, like a little get together. Well, the neighbors were at their own house, and this guy, their next door neighbor, was shooting his AR, like, out in the yard, and they went over to tell him, hey, stop doing that. And he got mad and went over to their house and killed them and then split. Amanda: Holy cow. Kori: Yeah. Amanda: Wow. Kori: Yeah, I think they murdered an eight year old. Yeah, it was pretty sad. So he's in jail with a bond set of $7.5 million. Amanda: Yes. I like that. Kori: Yeah. Amanda: Enjoy. Prison friend. Kori: Yes. His wife was apparently hiding him. Yeah. Amanda: She clearly does not abide by our policy of don't tell us anything because we'll tell on you. Kori: Yeah. So they had asked him to shoot on the other side of the property because the gunfire was waking the baby, and the suspect refused and unleashed gunfire. The victims were 259-2131 and 18. Amanda: Wow. How old was he? Obviously old enough to know better. Kori: Yeah, he was old enough to know better. I know it isn't part of it. He is not from here. I guess he's 38. He's from Mexico. He's a Mexican nationalist or whatever. However, he was able to buy a gun here, so there's that. Yeah. Weird. That's where I'm going. To just leave that able to get a gun. So there we go. Amanda: Assault rifle on top of that. Kori: Yeah, in your backyard. I mean, whatever. Also, four people were killed in the McDonald's today after a mass shooter killed his mom and his grandmother before gunning down the manager of the McDonald's where he worked. He then turned the firearm on himself, and four people are dead. Amanda: That's sad. Kori: Yeah. He also had a gun. Amanda: Yikes. Kori: But I'm bump, right? Amanda: Yeah. Kori: But, hey, this is just my opinion. Guns aren't the problem. So there we go. Amanda: My toe hurts, friends. Kori: Well, if you weren't, like, dancing around in five inch high heels in your. Amanda: Living room floor I had to practice my stripper routine. When else and where else better to do? Kori: So that pole you put in the middle of your living room is super handy for that very thing. Amanda: I take my fitness very seriously. Kori: You really do. I know you have that YouTube channel where you teach that. Amanda: Oh, yes, because I am such a good dancer. Kori: We really are. So we did a little poll on Facebook and Instagram, in case any of you joined in on that poll. A lot of people looked at it, but a lot of people didn't say what they ate. Amanda: Don't even try to tell me all you guys are into not into weird food. Kori: Everybody has regular stuff. Exactly. So we got some weird food combos, and maybe Amanda will tell you her weird food combos, and then I can tell you mine. And then we'll read some of the weird food combos that we got from people. Amanda: So I really love baked lay's, jalapeno chips and cream cheese. Oh, it's, like, one of my favorites. I like the usual frosties and French fries. Kori: Oh, frosties and French fries is good. I like that. I like to put chips on my sandwich. All of my it just is a sandwich, and it has to have chips on it. I don't care what kind. Amanda: So Chris really hates this, but I love cheese sandwiches, which is, like, literally just bread, mayonnaise, and cheese. Cheese. And I love it. Kori: Terrible. Amanda: I love them. Chris is like, that's disgusting. And that's not a sandwich. Kori: I mean, technically, anything between two pieces of bread is a sandwich. Amanda: That's what I think. He doesn't know. Kori: So Amber, she likes doritos and cottage cheese, which is also very good. I've never had to get it's super good. Like, just regular nacho doritos. Amanda: Okay. Kori: Do you think probably any of the doritos would be fine if you have a doritos preference? The blue ones are gross, but nacho doritos and cottage cheese is pretty good. Rice and brown gravy, which is also good. That shows, like, our age, because that was a meal you made when you didn't have a whole lot of money. Amanda: That's so funny. I used to like hamburger cooked with you take the hamburger, cook it up on it, or whatever. Then you put the package gravy in it's, like a pack of gravy in a cup of cold water, mix it up, and then it gets thick in the beef right. Kori: With the hamburger. Amanda: And then you eat it over rice. Kori: Oh, my gosh. Amanda: That's pretty good, too, to have cooked carrots with it. Otherwise no for me, but not mixed in, like, as a side. Kori: But I do love that tuna and mac and cheese. It's also good. Amanda likes hers with cream of celery soup and peas. Amanda: Yes. Kori: I don't like cream of celery soup, but I do like peas. But you don't like macaroni and cheese. So yours is more casserole than macaroni and cheesy. Amanda: Yes. I hate mac and cheese. Kori: My friend Heather likes dill pickles with cheddar cheese, and I don't hate that either. Amanda: Okay. Kori: She also likes to eat potato chips or no, that's me. I like to eat potato chips with dill pickle slices on them, too. Amanda: I like the crinkle cut like chips. What are those called? Wavy chips. Kori: Oh, yeah, wavy lays. Amanda: Yes. Because they're like a little bit thicker and then like, the pickle chips sliced. Kori: A pickle on top. Amanda: Delicious. Kori: This is just weird. I don't like the ends of pickles. Amanda: Me either. I give them to my dog me too. Kori: Or I make Candace bite them off and then I like the rest of the pickle. Amanda: That's a funny trip. Hates pickles, so they always go to the dog. Kori: Holly, my sister Holly likes pickle slices and Doritos. She also, when she was younger, used to like to eat a chocolate syrup sandwich. Amanda: I can't get on board with that one. Well, I guess when you're little, you do weird stuff. Because I used to like hot dog buns with just ketchup. Kori: Oh, she also that's what she normally eat with chocolate syrup in it. Was a hot dog bun with chocolate syrup in it. Amanda: Okay. Kori: Yeah. I don't know why I like it. She also just likes to drink pickle juice right out of the jar. Like a snack. Yeah, just like a regular snack. Amanda: So does Emerson. It's her favorite. Kori: I don't know what kind of weird. I don't know if I have a whole lot of weird combinations. Everything I eat is weird. This is going to be gross for everyone. I like ketchup and macaroni and cheese. Amanda: I just don't like mac and cheese. Kori: I know. I also like to eat, like, if I'm having spaghetti, I like to also eat a scoop of cottage cheese on the side. Makes it like a weird little thing, like a lasagna, but not. Amanda: I could see that. Kori: Actually. Amanda: I could see that. Kori: It's not terrible. Yeah, it's pretty good. Amanda: I'm trying to think. I don't think I have any others. You should really try the jalapeno chips with the cream cheese, though. It's amazing. Kori: I do like nacho chips, like tortilla chips with cream cheese with the salsa over it. That's pretty good. Or jalapeno jelly. Over cream cheese with crackers. Amanda: Oh, my good. Kori: But it's tasty. Amanda: I had my first experience with Brie cheese and, like, these miniature little toast. So my dad has eaten Brie cheese since I was little, and he's always like, do you want to try it? And I'm like, okay, I'm going to try it every time. I hate it. But I had it with my best friend Kendra on these little tiny pieces of toast with, like a I don't even know what kind of a jelly. Some sort of like a fig jelly. Holy **** is amazing. Kori: I love brie cheese. It's so good. My friend Megan makes, like, a brie cheese thing. That's pretty good. Amanda: I'd like to try that. Kori: Yeah. Amanda: I don't like smoked gouda. Kori: I like gouda, too. Amanda: I do not. I went to an Arbon potty potty party. I did not go to anybody's Arbon potty. That would be gross. Kori: Gross. Amanda: And I had sangria and smoked gouda. Never again. I will never eat either. I got really sick. Yeah, it was a bummer. A tote bummer. Well, thank you guys for being here for our super weird episode. Kori: Yeah, we just talked about things we liked. We just talked about us. Amanda: Yeah. And then hopefully next week we will be back with a normal episode. My foot will hopefully be less feel better. And it makes, like, recording really hard because I have to put it up all the time. Kori: Yeah. Those of you who recording, studio. Amanda: Yes. I'm in my closet. I do have plans this summer. I'm going to build a whole studio in the basement, but oh, nice. Kori: Good for you. Amanda: Thank you. Thank you. Kori: You're welcome. Amanda: I secretly know that my dad is getting me an orbital sander, and I'm so excited. Kori: Oh, nice. Chris is really excited for that, too. Amanda: He's just going to come home and everything's going to be really smooth. Kori: You're just walking around sanding stuff. Amanda: I'm like jazzed. I can't wait. Kori: So is Chris going to help you build this said studio or what are you doing? Amanda: He might get stuck helping with some of it because I'm short. Kori: Well, yeah, and he can build, like, walls and stuff. Almost a ****. But I said it anyways. Amanda: I'm actually very handy, and I usually am the one who does the projects. Chris does, like, everything else. Yeah, but I'm the one that gets, like, family. Yes. The yard work, all of that stuff. But I get, like, these crazy ideas. And aside from the podcast, I live for DIY, it's one of my are. Kori: You going to do, like, a room or just build a studio? Amanda: No, I plan on doing a whole room because eventually I would like to have real YouTube videos. Oh, I just pinched my toe. Kori: Oh, like where? You're on camera? Amanda: Yeah. I know you don't want to. Kori: I mean, I would. If my hair doesn't look terrible, I might do it. Amanda: Mine looks pretty bad today. Also, I've not worn makeup because I can't really stand. Kori: Yeah. Amanda: I'm going to wash my hair tonight because I'm going to get it done tomorrow. And I don't want Brenda to be like, oh, God. Kori: I mean, it wouldn't be terrible. I don't know what we would talk about, but I know then people would be like they would feel like they're I know all of you people already feel like you're in here, but with us, then you could see us, too. I would actually have to put on pants. Amanda: You just record from, like, the faces up. Kori: Okay. I had to put on a bra. Whatever. Amanda: I mean, you could like nipples up above the nipples. I don't tell you how to live your life. Kori: I know. I'll do. Me. Fine. Amanda: Yeah. I have high hopes for this, so that's my plan this summer. Kori: Cool. Yo. Amanda: Yeah. All right. Kori: Okay. Amanda: All right, Cram fans. Well, until next time. Kori: Yeah. Amanda: Thanks for joining us. Kori: Super weird stuff. Amanda: Yeah, thanks for joining us for our super weird episode. Make sure to come back next week because we will have a real episode. I think next week we are going to talk about Dylan red wine, which is such a sad case. Kori: It really is. Amanda: And follow us on Instagram, facebook. The YouTube. Kori: The YouTube. Amanda: Yeah. We actually have a YouTube. Kori: Podcast. Yeah. Amanda: Or wherever we're up for. Whatever. We just want you to come hang out with us. Kori: Right. Just you do you listen to us. Laugh a little bit, tell your jokes. Or tell our jokes to your friends. Amanda: Yeah. Or send us your jokes so that we can tell your jokes to all of our friends. Kori: Yeah, do that, too. Amanda: We would love that. Well, we hope that you have a beautiful day wherever you are. And as always, stay safe. Kori: Well, podcastians, have the day you deserve.

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